Retail Price
Optimization Software

Simplify retail operations, measure the impact of your pricing, and drive profitability with Retailscape – the industry’s leading price engine from Bungee Tech.

competitive pricing dashboard, competitive landscape, competitive data
competitive pricing dashboard, competitive landscape, competitive data


Higher conversion


Increase in catalog year-over-year


Increase in sales based on product popularity and category


Intelligence & Insight to Support Your Pricing Strategy


Zero In on the Perfect Price

Use Retailscape price optimization software to set the price that best aligns with your pricing strategy and measure impact on the market.

border border $ 1.49 $ 1.44
Win Customers

Analyze competitive data and see product-level pricing recommendations to build loyalty.

Improve Profitability

Automate price workflows and execute competitive prices without sacrificing margin.

Increase Your Confidence

Know that your price adjustments get in front of your customers. Measure the impact of price changes to inform your future growth-focused decisions.

Get Attention and Grow Sales

Use Retailscape to build a unique selection and push pricing that resonates with your customers.

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Wow Shoppers

Deliver a unique product assortment with competitive pricing that keeps your shoppers coming back.

Build a Winning Product Mix

Manage assortment gaps and get a detailed view into the product mix to stock your shelves with what sells.

Streamline Operations

Approve pricing adjustments and reduce the risk of errors by integrating Retailscape with your downstream systems (POS, labeling, ESLs).

Conquer Category Challenges

Gain deeper insight into your category’s trends and opportunities with Retailscape’s AI-powered retail price engine.

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Sharpen Your Perspective

Switch between macro category views and granular product data points to inform your decision-making and drive profitability.

Analyze Assortment

Identify profitable assortment opportunities, optimize your product offerings, and drive customer loyalty with AI-driven data.

Save Time

Automate time-consuming manual tasks like product matching and spend time on your overall retail strategy.

Leverage an Empire of Retail Data

Harness the power of consistent, accurate retail product and pricing data with Retailscape’s intuitive dashboards.

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Ensure Consistency

Access a customized product matching library with equal and equivalent matches across your KVIs.

Save Time

Integrate Retailscape with your downstream systems (POS, labeling, ESLs) for real-time changes.

Harmonize Your Data

Move beyond analysis to get actionable insights. Retailscape collects data and harmonizes it with your internal systems.


Grocer Wins with Pricing & Assortment Automation

This grocery retail customer implemented accurate competitive intelligence data to reduce data management costs by 40% and increase data insights by 200%.


Product listing data points collected each day


Reduction in management costs


Increase in data insights


Reduction in cleansing and auditing time

Enhance Top- and Bottom-Line ROI

Retailers who use Retailscape price optimization software achieve measurable impact right away. Here are some of the results they have shared.


Increase in catalog year-over-year


Higher conversion


Increase in sales based on product popularity and category


Saved in inventory write-offs across categories


Retailscape: Data-Supported Solutions Built for Retailers

Data collection is at the center of what we do. ML-driven product matching creates market intelligence that gives you an edge over your competitors. This competitive intelligence fuels the Retailscape price engine so you can analyze the market, see opportunities/risks, execute optimal prices in line with your strategy, and measure the impact in near-real-time.




Sharpen Your Pricing Execution with Automation

Retailscape delivers data-supported, actionable insights to help you understand the market and compete on price and assortment.


Make informed decisions with automatic, reliable omnichannel data collection and product matching. Check the CPI on your Retailscape dashboard to quickly view your market position.

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Automate and scale your pricing workflow to maximize insights and improve overall retail operations. Know where your business stands by reviewing visuals via Retailscape.

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Build pricing rules for your retail business based on margin, product attributes, inventory, or competitors. Use Retailscape price optimization software to automate pricing changes associated with your strategy.

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Identify brand and product gaps with data matched to competitor catalogs to prioritize changes. Use Retailscape to add specific products to a watchlist to monitor prices, promotions, and out of stocks.

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We Help Retailers Work Faster and Smarter

At Bungee Tech, we are dedicated to solving the most challenging retail problems with innovative solutions. Our retail price optimization software empowers retailers with data-driven insights that drive growth and profitability. Founded after years of experience working with Amazon and other innovative retail brands, we understand the competitive omnichannel landscape. We partner with our retail customers to give a complete and accurate picture of the market to guide pricing and assortment decisions.


Global cities with Bungee Tech employees


Combined years retail and CPG experience


Annual new employee growth


Know More. Do More. Sell More.

Retailscape was purpose-built to keep up with the demands of retail businesses. Get reliable data, when you need it, to inform your category operations and price decisions. See how Retailscape uses billions of data points and AI-powered recommendations to help you seamlessly execute your pricing strategy and see how it performs.


“We have used Bungee Tech as our only trusted competitive intelligence platform to price our products competitively 24/7 and increase our selection YOY.”

Head of Pricing
Ecommerce Retail Customer

“I think a lot of what’s driving traffic – beginning in Q3 – is around our data initiatives… pricing and promo activity with Bungee Tech.”

VP Category Management
Retail Customer

“You’ll have your mind blown. This isn’t just information – it’s a full pricing management platform.”

Pet Retailer

“Bungee Tech sets the bar when it comes to data. They’re delivering high-level insights. No one compares, in terms of reliability and responsiveness.”

Head of Pricing
Omnichannel Pet Retailer

“We believe in the pricing analytics because I trust that the data coming in is complete and accurate.”

Ecommerce Health Retailer

“Bungee Tech provides the best product matching for our data needs. This data, which includes internal and external data sources, has significantly improved our ability to track the omnichannel competitive landscape.”

Market Insights Manager
MARS Petcare

“We use Bungee Tech as our trusted competitive intelligence platform to price our products competitively.”

VP Pricing
NRF Top 100

Resources to Enhance Your Pricing


Buy vs. Build: Price Optimization Solution

Should I build or buy a pricing platform that empowers your teams to execute on strategies that increase margin, profit, and growth?


How Data Harmonization Gives Retailers a Competitive Edge

Data harmonization is a strategic differentiator. It transforms your data into uniform, timely, and useful business insights.


The Missing Link to Successful Price Optimization

AI-powered price optimization is a breakthrough for retailers seeking a competitive edge, revenue growth, and improved margins. When our team set out to build the best retail price optimization solution, we noticed that many retailers rely solely on sales data to inform their price decisions. Implementing price optimization software enables retailers to analyze vast amounts of data, prioritize pricing adjustments,


Uncover Hidden Profits with Powerful Category Analysis

Online shopping now accounts for 11.6% of grocery sales and is predicted to make up 25% by 2030. Read on to uncover hidden grocery profits.


Goodbye, Blind Spots. Hello, Competitive Advantages.

Overcome limitations of inaccurate data and time-consuming manual processes. Let us show you how Retailscape’s always-on pricing optimization platform and machine-learning-powered analytics help you unlock more value from your pricing strategy.

+ 50 %

Increase in catalog year-over-year

+ 25 M

Saved in inventory write-offs across categories

+ 30-500 %

Increase In Sales Based On Product Popularity And Category

10 X

Reduction in cleansing and auditing time

+ 200 %

Increase In Data Insights