No More Retail Pricing and Assortment Optimization Guesswork

Connect your data, analysis, strategy, and execution in ways that are responsive to consumers, competitors, and your short and long-term goals across categories.


Data-Powered Retail Solutions

Retailscape equips retailers with actionable insights to propel smarter pricing and assortment decisions.


We collect data from hard-to-access sites and hard-to-match categories. Retailscape provides you with apples-to-apples comparisons of your catalog to your competitors, providing a trustworthy foundation to monitor your own pricing and assortment strategy.

  • Data Collection

    Collect a breadth of intraday data at a store level. Data coverage includes pureplay ecommerce, omnichannel, and delivery services.

  • Product Matching

    ML-driven product matching uses attributes and images to match equal and equivalent products across all competitive catalogs. Retailscape also provides the option for retailers/category managers to validate matches.

  • Price Comparison

    Monitor competitors’ prices at the category or product level. Identify potential price changes to build a strong price-value connection. See price variances across your competitive market.


Winning in retail requires pricing your products correctly to out-perform competitors without leaving money on the table. Retailscape’s pricing rules drive data-supported recommendations. Retail assortment analytics lets you understand gaps, risks, and insights.

  • Pricing Rules

    Create pricing rules based on product attributes, margin constraints, competitor price, inventory levels – or any combination.

  • Gap Analysis

    Keep an eye on the brands and products your competitors are carrying. Use this information to inform your assortment optimization strategy.


Streamline your category operations. Easily approve suggested prices, integrate seamlessly with your existing systems, and get guidance from our team of retail pricing experts.

  • Pricing Approvals

    Evaluate suggested price changes without leaving the product detail page. Select the rule you want to apply, or use the option to manually update the price. Save even more time by scheduling, auto-approving, and grouping rules-based pricing changes all within the platform.

  • Downstream Integration

    Approve pricing changes in Retailscape then let the system automatically publish in real-time to your downstream POS, ESL, ecommerce, and other third-party systems.

  • Assisted Onboard

    Our team of retail pricing experts will help you get up and running with Retailscape and ensure you’re taking full advantage of everything the platform has to offer.


See where elements of your pricing strategy are moving the needle on profitability. Accurate pricing analytics and data visualizations in Retailscape help you measure the impact of your pricing strategy.

  • Pricing Analytics

    See the big picture and identify opportunities. Pricing analytics goes beyond basic price tracking to help you analyze the impact of your pricing on sales and overall profitability.

  • Sales and Volume Trends

    See your revenue or units sold of specific products. View weekly or monthly trends by category or get a high-level sales overview.


data points collected daily


retail destinations covered


thousands of zip codes


Built for Retailers. Designed by Retail Pricing Experts.

Optimize Your Pricing Strategy.

Retailscape’s pricing automation and assortment analytics solution is a full-circle ecosystem to help you understand, execute, and measure your pricing operations.

Price Optimization

Identify opportunities to adjust your pricing. Ensure you’re competitive in the market and drive growth.

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Competitive Intelligence

Make informed decisions about market expansion, price zones, and price changes by collecting real-time intelligence on competitors big and small.

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Assortment Optimization

Analyze product selections to verify underperforming products, manage assortment gaps, and reduce stockouts.

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Pricing Analytics

Go beyond basic price tracking. See a comprehensive view of your price position via Retailscape’s easy-to-interpret dashboards.

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We Don’t Just Love This Stuff. We Live It.


  • 50+ years of combined retail and CPG experience
  • Unparalleled insights gained by working with retailers across verticals
  • A global team of retail, brand, data science, ML, and analytics experts

  • Define and focus on your key objectives
  • Strategic expansion recommendations
  • Dedicated success manager and onboarding team

  • Collaboration with retail pricing experts
  • Regular meetings with customer success team
  • Pre-defined data contracts and SLAs

“We have used Bungee Tech as our only trusted competitive intelligence platform to price our products competitively 24/7 and increase our selection YOY.”

Head of Pricing
Ecommerce Retail Customer

“I think a lot of what’s driving traffic – beginning in Q3 – is around our data initiatives… pricing and promo activity with Bungee Tech.”

VP Category Management
Retail Customer

“You’ll have your mind blown. This isn’t just information – it’s a full pricing management platform.”

Pet Retailer

“Bungee Tech sets the bar when it comes to data. They’re delivering high-level insights. No one compares, in terms of reliability and responsiveness.”

Head of Pricing
Omnichannel Pet Retailer

“We believe in the pricing analytics because I trust that the data coming in is complete and accurate.”

Ecommerce Health Retailer

“Bungee Tech provides the best product matching for our data needs. This data, which includes internal and external data sources, has significantly improved our ability to track the omnichannel competitive landscape.”

Market Insights Manager
MARS Petcare

“We use Bungee Tech as our trusted competitive intelligence platform to price our products competitively.”

VP Pricing
NRF Top 100

See the Power of Retail Pricing and Assortment in Action

+ 50 %

Increase in catalog year-over-year

+ 25 M

Saved in inventory write-offs across categories

+ 30-500 %

Increase In Sales Based On Product Popularity And Category

10 X

Reduction in cleansing and auditing time

+ 200 %

Increase In Data Insights